domingo, 11 de outubro de 2015

Medial graceli calculation and divisional. And two subrings.

A system by graceli symbol you can have the infinitesimal result, integral, medial, or as divisional subdivisions between sequential results. Like a graph subdivisions, and these results other subdivisions, so infinitely.
We have there the average is for mommy [μ] Greek symbol of the letter m., Between infinitésmos and sub infinitesimal. It also results in threads.

Ie different from the differential and integral system we have there one medial system and a divisinal infinitesimal system. Ie two new branches for the calculation.

F [a] [Px ≁ py.
F [b] Pw ≁ w / pP.

F [and] μ ΔPx ≁ py.
μ Δ Pw ≁ p / p P.

we thus mean μ and the mean Δ μ divisional sequences .. Represented by μ Δ delta and mu.
And the n binary system with various operations of the real, not the whole. Where a substring produces rings and subrings, one inside another. As well as the dimensions within dimensions.

And where not only uses addition and multiplication, but all operational tools.

The subresultado a Sub is a subring involving n-operations on real numbers. Rn [+, -, /, *, e, P ≁, ...... n].
And others, where the set can use the symbols of graceli, exponents and also progressions. In that form the subrings of the sub.

And where any element can be a dimension, or physical phenomenon, or particles and their interactions. That is, a general theory of graceli algemetria to physical, passing through graceli dimensions.

General theory of function for subrings of graceli.

μ Δ f [sf] [n] Rn [+, -, /, *, e P, ≁, n ......] μ Δ f [sf] [n]

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